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Orientation Facilitator Reference Materials

  1. Facilitator Phases of Development

  2. Theories of Distance Learning

  3. Theories of Engaging Distance Learners

Phases of Development for
Distance Learning Facilitators

Visitor: little use of technology in face-to-face courses, possibly some email integration or posting of documents on a website; skeptical about/resistant to teaching online courses

Facilitating learning in the online classroom requires adaptation and professional development even for the most seasoned face-to-face corporate trainer.  The participants in the Going the Distance program will begin orientation with a variety of experiences, strengths, and challenges.  Understanding the developmental phases of distance learning facilitators will help you better meet the needs of your course participants.

  • demonstrate how technology can enhance learning

  • engage with topics of interest

Novice: consistent use of basic technology (email, posting documents) in face-to-face courses, possibly some use of content presentation technology



  • explore strategies for online pedagogy

  • develop skills for using knowledge management system

Apprentice: minimal experience teaching online courses; developing understanding of online pedagogy


Insider: one or more years teaching online courses; comfortable with online environment and technology; possibly some course design experience

  • continued use of feedback

  • explore techniques for learner-driven content and building online community


Master: highly experienced online facilitator; flexible use of online technology; resource for peer support


  • opportunities for leadership development

  • encouragement to explore innovative techniques and technologies


(Palloff & Pratt, 2011)

Foundations of Distance Learning Theory

Understanding the foundations of learning theory will support you in effectively facilitating this course. The elements of transformation, framing, and emergence play an integral role in the creation of meaning.  Keeping these notions in mind will enhance your understanding of the importance of engagement, participation, community, and collaboration in the online classroom. 


Transformation is the "aha moment" when the learner's previous understanding of some aspect of the world shifts and learning takes place. The transformation occus through active observation, interaction, or participation on the part of the learner.

Significance in Online Learning: Learning occurs when particpants take an active role in the course activities and engage with the course materials.


Framing is the way a learner's existing knowledge, expectations, and experiences help him/her make meaning out of new information, ideas, and experiences. Transformational learning impacts these frames, which in turn affect later experiences. 

Significance in Online Learning: Learners bring with them a variety of perspectives, which influence their interpretation of the content.  Discussions will allow the contribution of multiple perspectives.  


Emergence is the continuous construction of knowledge that takes place as the learner interacts with the environment.  These interactions not only create meaning for the learner, but add to the knowledge base of the community.

Significance in Online Learning: Community building and opportunities for collaboration increase the occurance of individual and communal construction of knowledge.

Source: (Haythornthwaite & Andrews, 2011)

Engaging Online Learners

The online learning environment can create a sense of disconnect for learners as they are separated from both the facilitator and other participants by distance and lacking the visual references of a face-to-face environment.  However, the foundations of learning theory outlined above highlight how engagement, participation, and collaboration enhance the knowledge construction process.  Facilitating online learning, therefore, requires creating three types of connections: student-to-student, student-to facilitator, student-to-content.  Outlined below are strategies and technology tools for engaging learners in both synchronous (S) and asynchronous (A) online learning environments.

(Haythornthwaite & Andrews, 2011)

Tools and Strategies for Connecting Students-to-Students
  • Collaborative assignments (S/A)

  • Ice breakers (S/A)

  • Google Drive (S/A)

  • Google Hangouts (S)

  • Discussion threads (A)

  • DropBox (A)

  • Diigo (A)

  • Wikis (A)

Tools and Strategies for Connecting Students-to-Facilitator
  • Video conferencing (S)

  • Ice breakers (S/A)

  • Google Drive (S/A)

  • Video presentations (A)

  • Discussion threads (A)

  • DropBox (A)

  • Blog (A)

  • Wikis (A)

Tools and Strategies for Connecting Students-to-Content
  • Assignments related to content (A)

    • Discussion threads

    • Papers

    • Presentations

  • Presentation tools (A)

    • Zaption

    • PowToon

    • Prezi

Going the Distance:

Skills & Instructional Materials

Discussion Question: What are the differences between facilitation and instruction in online learning?  What are the results for learners of each of these styles?

MODULE 1: Distance Learning Pedagogy

  1. Facilitating vs. Instructing

  2. Engagement & Participation

  3. Creating Community

Related Goal: Participants will develop an understanding of effective pedagogical approaches to online instruction.
Related Objectives:
  1. Participants will examine the advantages of facilitating over instructing in online courses.
  2. Participants will make use of strategies to increase learner engagement and participation in online courses.
  3. Participants will determine which strategies serve to create community in online courses.
Required Facilitator Activities:
  • Provide participants with introductory video to appropriate course Learning Management System.
  • Provide participants with a timeline for completion of modules and summative assessment.
  • Provide participants with course policies, expectations, goals, and objectives.
  • Provide participants with summative assessment project instructions and rubric.
  • Facililtator and participant introductions/ice breaker.
  • Create learning teams of three to five participants.
  • Participate in discussions, providing constructive feedback and supporting knowledge construction.
  • Provide feedback to group and individual assignments/activities.
Recommended Content Materials and Related Activities/Assignments:
Introducing the Learning Management System
Facilitating vs. Instructing
Engagement & Participation
Creating Community
Group Assignment: Use Skype, Google Hangout, or another audiovisual conferencing tool to meet with the members of your learning team and discuss the scenario described below.  Make some record (written, slideshow, video) of the ideas shared in your discussion and share it with the class. 
You are facilitating a corporate training session with 50 participants from around the globe.  All of them speak a common language and work for a common corporation, but have varying life circumstances and job descriptions.  What are some strategies you would use to build community amongst the participants?    
Discussion Question: Is it necessary to use more than one presentation tool in an online learning environment?  What might be the advantages and disadvantages of doing so?
Activity: Do an online search for an image, such as an infographic, about engaging online learners and/or encouraging participation.  Alternatively, you may create your own image. Share the image with the class.
8 Seconds to Online Learner Engagement
Instructor Vs. Facilitator (4:16)
Building Online Learning Communities

MODULE 2: Content Development & Technology Resources 

1. Presentation Tools       2. Collaboration Tools        3. Organization Tools

Related Goal: Participants will explore technological tools that can be used to develop and share online course content or as a resource for online learners.
Related Objectives:
  1. Participants will justify the use of digital presentation tools in online courses.
  2. Participants will create a digital document using at least one online collaboration tool.    
  3. Participants will compare the features of at least two online organizational tools.
Required Facilitator Activities:
  • Incorporate exploration and presentation of the following technology tools:
    • Presentation Tools: Prezi, Zaption, PowToon
    • Collaboration Tools: Blogs, Diigo
    • Organization Tools: Evernote, Mindmeister
  • Introduce module 2 goals and objectives.
  • Review module 1 objectives.  Provide feedback regarding attainment of module 1 objectives, as well as a space for participants to ask further questions regarding module 1 content.
Recommended Content Materials and Related Activities/Assignments:
Presentation Tools
Collaboration Tools
Discussion Question: Is it necessary to use more than one presentation tool in an online learning environment?  What might be the advantages and disadvantages of doing so?
Discussion Question: (Read the attached article before responding to the discussion question.)
How could the way the drama students in the article used a blog to collaborate be adapted to an online corporate training setting?
Engaging Presentations for Online Learners
Online Collboration Using Diigo Groups
Organization Tools
Group Assignment: Do an internet search for "digital organization tools."  Select two tools to present to the class.
  1. Create a presentation using a digital presentation tool (such as Prezi or Zaption) to explain one of the organization tools you selected.
  2. Use a digital conept mapping tool (such as Mindmeister) to explain the second organization tool you select.

MODULE 3: Learner Assessment 

  1. Formative Assessment

  2. Summative Assessment

  3. Feedback

Related Goal: Participants will learn strategies for conducting formative and summative assessments and providing feedback in online courses.
Related Objectives:
  1. Participants will create at least 2 formative and 1 summative assessments to accompany an online learning experience. 
  2. Participants will use constructive feedback to support at least 3 peers in their learning.   
Required Facilitator Activities:
  • Introduce module 3 goals and objectives.
  • Review module 2 objectives.  Provide feedback regarding attainment of module 1 objectives, as well as a space for participants to ask further questions regarding module 1 content.
  • Participate in discussions, providing constructive feedback and supporting knowledge construction.
  • Provide feedback to group and individual assignments/activities.
Recommended Content Materials and Related Activities/Assignments:
Formative & Summative Assessment
Group Assignment: Create a digital presentation or image (such as a table or infographic) in response to the following scenario. Share it with the class.
You are now the facilitator of this orientation course.  What information would you use for formative assessment?  How would you alter the course to include other formative assessments?  How would you alter the summative assessment project?  Justify your suggestions with reasoning based on effective instructional practice.
Discussion Question and Activity: What is the purpose of providing feedback in online courses?
  • Post your response to the question on the discussion board.
  • Provide constructive feedback to the responses to this question of three other participants.
Assessment in e-Learning
Providing Effective Feedback
  • provide feedback regarding online instruction

  • explore technologies for collaboration and increased participation

MODULE 2: Content Development & Technology Resources 

1. Presentation Tools       2. Collaboration Tools        3. Organization Tools

Related Goal: Participants will explore technological tools that can be used to develop and share online course content or as a resource for online learners.
Related Objectives:
  1. Participants will justify the use of digital presentation tools in online courses.
  2. Participants will create a digital document using at least one online collaboration tool.    
  3. Participants will compare the features of at least two online organizational tools.
Required Facilitator Activities:
  • Incorporate exploration and presentation of the following technology tools:
    • Presentation Tools: Prezi, Zaption, PowToon
    • Collaboration Tools: Blogs, Diigo
    • Organization Tools: Evernote, Mindmeister
  • Introduce module 2 goals and objectives.
  • Review module 1 objectives.  Provide feedback regarding attainment of module 1 objectives, as well as a space for participants to ask further questions regarding module 1 content.
  • Participate in discussions, providing constructive feedback and supporting knowledge construction.
  • Provide feedback to group and individual assignments/activities.
Recommended Content Materials and Related Activities/Assignments:
Presentation Tools
Collaboration Tools
Discussion Question: Is it necessary to use more than one presentation tool in an online learning environment?  What might be the advantages and disadvantages of doing so?
Discussion Question: (Read the attached article before responding to the discussion question.)
How could the way the drama students in the article used a blog to collaborate be adapted to an online corporate training setting?
Engaging Presentations for Online Learners
Online Collboration Using Diigo Groups
Organization Tools
Group Assignment: Do an internet search for "digital organization tools."  Select two tools to present to the class.
  1. Create a presentation using a digital presentation tool (such as Prezi or Zaption) to explain one of the organization tools you selected.
  2. Use a digital conept mapping tool (such as Mindmeister) to explain the second organization tool you select.
Organization for Online Teaching
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